Financial Supervision Commission

Financial Supervision Commission (FSC)


The Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) is the regulatory body responsible for supervising the non-banking financial sector in Bulgaria. Established in 2003, the FSC ensures the stability, transparency, and fairness of Bulgaria’s financial markets. The FSC oversees activities in sectors such as insurance, pensions, capital markets, and investment services. Its core mission is to protect consumers, ensure market integrity, and promote financial stability within the non-banking financial sector.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Supervision: The FSC regulates a broad range of financial services, including insurance companies, pension funds, investment firms, and capital markets. It ensures compliance with Bulgarian law and EU directives to maintain financial stability and market integrity.
  • Consumer Protection: One of the FSC’s primary responsibilities is safeguarding the interests of consumers in the financial market by ensuring that they are treated fairly and that they have access to transparent and accurate information regarding financial products.
  • Alignment with EU Regulations: As a member of the European Union, Bulgaria’s financial regulations must comply with EU directives. The FSC works in close coordination with European regulatory bodies such as the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA).

Regulatory Activities

The FSC’s regulatory responsibilities include licensing, supervision, and enforcement across various non-banking financial sectors in Bulgaria.

  • Licensing: The FSC issues licenses to non-banking financial institutions, including insurance companies, pension funds, and investment firms. These institutions must meet specific regulatory criteria to obtain and maintain their licenses.
  • Supervision: The FSC conducts regular supervision of financial institutions to ensure compliance with national and European regulations. This supervision includes ongoing audits, risk assessments, and reviews of capital adequacy and governance.
  • Enforcement: The FSC has the authority to take enforcement actions against entities that violate financial laws and regulations. It can impose fines, revoke licenses, or take legal action to maintain market integrity and protect consumers.

Recent Regulatory Focus

In recent years, the FSC has placed a strong focus on aligning its regulatory framework with European Union standards, particularly in the areas of financial innovation, consumer protection, and anti-money laundering (AML).

  • Capital Markets Supervision: The FSC actively monitors capital markets in Bulgaria to prevent market manipulation, insider trading, and other forms of financial misconduct. It ensures that listed companies provide transparent and accurate information to investors.
  • Insurance and Pensions: The FSC supervises the insurance and pension sectors, ensuring that companies adhere to EU solvency standards, especially under Solvency II regulations for insurance companies.
  • Financial Innovation and Fintech: As Bulgaria’s fintech sector grows, the FSC has begun to implement regulatory guidelines to manage the risks associated with financial technology and digital assets.

Compliance Rating Conclusion

The Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) of Bulgaria is a well-established and respected regulatory body. Its focus on transparency, market integrity, and consumer protection ensures that Bulgaria’s non-banking financial sector operates within a robust regulatory framework.

Reputation: The FSC has built a strong reputation within Bulgaria and across Europe for ensuring compliance with both local and European Union financial regulations. Its efforts to protect consumers and maintain the stability of the financial system have contributed to its standing as a reliable regulator.

Regulatory Effectiveness: The FSC’s ability to effectively supervise non-banking financial institutions, enforce regulations, and collaborate with European regulatory bodies has solidified its position as a key player in Bulgaria’s financial regulatory landscape.

Rating: Green Compliance – The FSC provides strong oversight of Bulgaria’s financial markets and aligns well with EU regulatory standards. Its focus on consumer protection and market transparency positions it as an effective regulatory authority.


The FSC is recommended for financial institutions operating in Bulgaria’s non-banking sectors, including insurance, pensions, and investment services. Its clear regulatory framework, particularly regarding compliance with EU directives, creates a stable and transparent environment for businesses.

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