Payment Method Aggregator

Key Data

  • Trading Name: PAYCOS
  • Legal Entity: Raggett Limited
  • Activities: Payment aggregator and gateway operator
  • Location: Cyprus
  • Regulations: not given
  • Key People: Ivan Zabrodin (LinkedIn), Pavel Parshkov (LinkedIn)

Paycos is an international technical integrator and a payment method aggregator that provides technical integration to make instant payments to individuals. They provide instant pay-outs to Bank cards, e-wallets, and mobile phones. The company, Raggett Limited, is based in Cyprus but evidently works with people from Serbia, Turkey, and Russia. Raggett is also offering consulting and marketing services via a separate website.


Paycos provides technical integration to make instant payments to individuals.

They provide instant pay-outs to Bank cards: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Amex, and others. To e-wallets and mobile phones or receiving cash via money transfer systems.

Their service includes:

  • Acquiring
  • Payment by Bank transfers
  • Mobile commerce
  • E-wallets
  • Alternative payment methods
  • Pay-outs


information is not provided on the website.


Paycos offers its services to merchants in low to high-risk industries. Among them are gambling, betting, forex companies, Microfinance projects, International FMCG companies, and marketing agencies.


It is worth noting that Paycos operates without specific regulatory oversight, which raises concerns about the level of compliance and consumer protection measures in place.


Nothing is known about the background persons of Paycos, and also the management team is not known.

Customer review

At the time of this review, there are no available customer reviews or testimonials for Paycos. The absence of customer feedback makes it challenging to assess the company’s reputation and the quality of its services.


We could not find anything negative around Paycos, however, their web presence is very low, important compliance information is missing, like license, manager owner, and the company has no customer reviews. Therefore, we downgrade them to RED.

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