BNPL Provider

Key Data

  • Trading Name: Postpay
  • Legal Entity: Postpay Technology Limited
  • Activities: BNPL Provider
  • Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Regulations: not given 
  • Key People: Tariq Sheikh (Founders), Dani Molina (Linkedin)

Postpay is a deferred payment method where customers can make purchases and pay for them at a later date. It offers flexibility and allows customers to enjoy products or services before settling the payment. Postpay services have gained popularity, and customers should choose reputable providers that align with their financial goals.


Postpay is a payment method that allows customers to make purchases and pay for them after the transaction has taken place. It is a form of deferred payment or “buy now, pay later” service commonly offered by various merchants and e-commerce platforms.

With Postpay, customers can select products or services, complete the checkout process, and receive their items without making an immediate payment. Instead, the payment is typically deferred to a later date, allowing customers to enjoy the products or services before settling the payment.


not given


Low Risk Industries:

  • E-commerce
  • Travel
  • Entertainment
  • Food


not given


Customer review

Apple 4.8 stars with 3,701 Reviews

Google: 3.3 stars with 2,911 Reviews


We rate ORANGE, as there should be no problems from the customer’s point of view, which is confirmed by the strongly positive ratings, but there is a lack of any compliance technical information.

1 review

  1. Never will deal again.

    Very bad experience. I couldn’t pay the installment , it denied all my cards, though they all were working perfectly. I called them to avoid late fee, they told me technical team would contact me, it never happened. They charged me 25 AED late fee. After this I could pay easily with the same card. So I come to conclusion it is done for purpose. 25 AED IS “no interest” intrest. So be careful with post pay. Their service team is very weak.

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