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Why & How RatEx42 Works Building & managing reputation

Why Providers Should Claim Or List Their Profile
RatEx42 systematically screens for financial service providers, lists their profile, reviews and rates them. Providers can claim these profiles or list it themselves. This works in the same way as Trustpilot. The review of the profile claim is a KYC check which upgrades the rating. Read more here. 
Why Clients Should Review Provider Profiles
The Compliance & Risk Assessment is carried out by the RE42 team on the basis of a thorough OSINT analysis. However, the quality of a provider depends above all on customer satisfaction. This can be measured by their ratings and reviews. Read more here. 
The RatEx42 Verification
With a verified (claimed) profile, financial services providers can display our RatEx42 Verification Badge on their website. This signals to their customers that they are verified, rated, and trustworthy. RatEx42 Added Value Bringing transparency to the industry
Guidance & Transparency
RatEx42 is a CyberRating agency for payment processors and financial institutions. We work with crowdsourced intelligence to offer guidance for regulators, compliance people, merchants and their clients. Verification, Reviews & Ratings
Financial services providers are reviewed, verified and rated by RE42. Additionally, clients and partners are able to provide reviews and ratings. The RE42 verified badge increased the trust level. News & Announcements
The global CyberFinance space with its fintechs, paytechs, and payment processors is is an opaque and dangerous jungle. The RE42 reviews and ratings are a competent guide through this jungle.