
Payment Gateway by Ruchi Rathor

Key Data

  • Trading Name: XBancer
  • Legal Entity: XBancer Payment Limited
  • Activities: Payment Gateway
  • Location: Vancouver, Canada
  • Regulations: registered MSB with FinTRAC
  • Key People: not given

XBancer is a payment gateway based in Vancouver, Canada.


XBancer positions itself as a pivotal player in the payment solutions market, emphasizing tailored services for various industries.

While they claim to prioritize secure and efficient transactions, critical scrutiny is warranted regarding the efficacy of their fraud protection measures. Given the global expansion support they offer, questions arise concerning the depth of their compliance with international regulations, particularly regarding anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) protocols.

Moreover, while XBancer asserts a commitment to e-commerce excellence, the extent to which they ensure data protection and privacy compliance, particularly under stringent regulations like GDPR and CCPA, remains unclear. Without transparent accountability measures, including rigorous monitoring and reporting of compliance efforts, their claims of seamless integration and ongoing support may fall short of meeting industry standards.

In an increasingly interconnected digital landscape, where the risk of cyber threats looms large, XBancer’s assertion of cutting-edge technology must be subjected to rigorous assessment. Only through stringent scrutiny and proactive measures can businesses trust XBancer to navigate the complexities of the digital economy and safeguard their interests effectively.

Serving Industries

XBancer focuses on low-risk industries, including e-commerce, subscription services, software sales, digital goods, professional services, and educational platforms.


XBancer Payment Limited is a registered Money Services Business (MSB) with FinTRAC.

Customer Review

not given


We have received information that the notorious Ruchi Rathor should be involved.


Due to missing customer feedback, missing key people and Ruch Rathaus alleged involvement we downgrade XBancer to ORANGE.

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