Ex-Citi Employee Files Wrongful Termination Lawsuit Alleging the Bank Hid Data from Regulators

In a significant legal battle, a former managing director at Citigroup has filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against the financial giant and its Chief Operating Officer, Anand Selva. The lawsuit, lodged in the New York district federal court, accuses the bank of firing Kathleen Martin unlawfully after she refused to provide false information to regulators.

Background and Allegations

Kathleen Martin, who joined Citigroup in 2021, alleges she was terminated in September 2023 due to her persistent complaints about being asked to falsify data. According to Martin, COO Anand Selva instructed her to hide “critical information” from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). This alleged directive was intended to prevent the bank from “looking bad” in the eyes of the regulator.

The information in question pertains to data governance metrics that were part of a 2020 consent order issued by the OCC. This order required Citigroup to address significant deficiencies in its risk management and data governance controls. Martin claims that by instructing her to manipulate these metrics, the bank was attempting to evade the scrutiny and potential penalties associated with failing to comply with the OCC’s directives.

Legal Proceedings

Martin’s lawsuit seeks her reinstatement at the bank along with compensation for lost pay, including bonuses. Her attorney argues that Martin was acting in the best interests of the bank by ensuring regulatory compliance and transparency. They contend that her termination was a retaliatory act against her efforts to uphold ethical standards and regulatory requirements.

Citigroup’s Response

Citigroup has responded to the lawsuit with a firm denial of the allegations. A spokesperson for the bank stated that the lawsuit is without merit and that Citigroup plans to vigorously defend itself against the claims. The bank has not provided detailed comments on the specific allegations made by Martin but stands by its position that her termination was justified.

Implications and Industry Impact

This lawsuit shines a spotlight on the ongoing challenges and pressures financial institutions face in maintaining regulatory compliance. The allegations, if proven true, could have severe repercussions for Citigroup, including potential fines and increased regulatory scrutiny. It also underscores the critical role that internal whistleblowers play in ensuring corporate accountability and transparency.

The case also raises broader questions about corporate governance and the ethical responsibilities of senior executives in the banking industry. It highlights the potential conflicts between short-term corporate interests and long-term regulatory obligations, and the importance of fostering a corporate culture that prioritizes integrity and compliance over reputational concerns.

As the case progresses, it will be closely watched by industry experts, regulators, and corporate governance advocates. The outcome could set a precedent for how similar cases are handled in the future and may influence how financial institutions manage their internal controls and compliance functions.


Kathleen Martin’s lawsuit against Citigroup is a high-stakes legal battle that could have far-reaching implications for the bank and the broader financial industry. As the legal process unfolds, it will be crucial to monitor the developments and their potential impact on regulatory practices and corporate governance in the banking sector. The case underscores the importance of ethical leadership and the need for robust mechanisms to protect whistleblowers who expose potential misconduct.
