
Offshore crypto exchange and payment processor

Key Data

  • Trading Name: ChangeNow
  • Legal Entity: CHN Group Limited
  • Activities: unregulated crypto exchange.
  • Location: Seychelles/Netherlands
  • Regulations: unregulated

ChangeNow is an unregulated crypto exchange.

ChangeNOW is the trading name of CHN Group Limited, a company registered in Seychelles, but their postal address of CHN Group is in Utrecht, Netherlands.

They are a non-custodial service created for simple and fast cryptocurrency exchanges with currently almost 400 coins available for exchange. The exchange has no limits; users can exchange as much as they want – account-free, worry-free, faster than light. Cryptocurrency with Visa or MasterCard through our third-party partner.

Almost 400 cryptocurrencies are supported by the platform, totaling 70,000 trading pairs. Among the supported cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin and Ethereum, Cardano, Tether, Solana, and some less well-known tokens.

NOW Payments

NOW Payments is their non-custodial cryptocurrency payment processing platform. A cryptocurrency donation or payment button can be integrated into a website, online store, or social media profile.

NOW Payments accepts more than 100 cryptocurrencies, provides immediate payouts with low fees starting at 0.4%, and provides 24/7 support with a dedicated account manager.

NOW Token

NOW, ChangeNOW’s native utility token is available in both ERC-20 and BEP-2 formats and was one of the first tokens released on the Binance chain.

NOW Loans

NOW Loans is a service that allows you to borrow funds in USDT or USDC with your cryptocurrency as collateral and trade those funds.

Transaction Fees

  • Fees (around 1%) are included in the final rate offered


With more than 7,000 reviews, the crypto exchange currently holds an impressive 4.8-star rating and a corresponding “Excellent” trust level on Trustpilot. Customers are likely to be very satisfied.



ChangeNOW is also used as a crypto payment processor by high-risk merchants in illicit businesses. Thus, we include ChangeNOW in our “Orange Compliance” list.


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