
Cyprus-based crypto payment processor

Key Data

  • Trading Name: SendCrypto
  • Legal Entities: Investure UAB
  • Activities: crypto exchange, wallet provider, and custodian
  • Location: Lithuania, Cyprus
  • Regulations: yes
  • Key People:

SendCrypto is a brand name owned by Investure UAB, a Lithuanian-registered company with licenses to operate a crypto exchange, wallet provider, and custodial.

SendCrypto is registered in the Republic of Lithuania for providing the services of Virtual Currency Exchange Operator and Depository virtual currency wallet operator. SendCrypto is supervised by the Lithuanian Financial Crime Investigation Service (FCIS).

Investure UAB is owned by Send Crypto Holdings Ltd, registered in Cyprus.

The Offering

SendCrypto offers crypto exchange and wallet services and also operates as a custodian.

SendCrypto offers a reward scheme to reward users for using their services. The so-called Proof-of-Usage (PoU) releases SENDC tokens when users make transactions on the platform.


The SendCrypto operators have claimed this profile. Given their registration in Lithuania and the absence of any severe complaints, we have put SendCrypto on our Green Compliance list for the time being.

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