
Key Data

  • Trading Name: TransSource
  • Legal Entity: not given
  • Activities: Full-service provider 
  • Location:
     San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • Regulations: none
  • Key People: Kevin Cunningham (Linkedin)

TransSource is a company that provides merchant account solutions for high-risk businesses such as dating, gaming, health & beauty, CBD and many more


Their service includes:

  • Online Payment Gateways
  • Chargebacks & Anti-Fraud Solutions
  • Payment Processing For Modern Businesses


not given


High-risk businesses:

Dating, gaming, health & beauty, CBD


It is worth noting that TransSource operates without specific regulatory oversight, which raises concerns about the level of compliance and consumer protection measures in place.


Kevin Cunningham (Linkedin), President

Costumer Review

At the time of this review, there are no available customer reviews or testimonials for TransSource. The absence of customer feedback makes it challenging to assess the company’s reputation and the quality of their services.



TransSource offers high-risk payment gateway services, targeting international merchants with a focus on gaming and gambling industries. However, the lack of licensing and legal entity information, limited customer reviews, and absence of specific fee details raise concerns about the transparency and reliability of the company.

Therefore we rate them on RED.

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