
Lithuanian crypto exchange and payment processor

Key Data

  • Trading Name: Mirhax
  • Legal Entity: Mirhax Group UAB
  • Activities: crypto exchange
  • Location: Lithuanian
  • Regulations: Registered with the Lithuanian FNTT
  • Key People: Michalis Vasileiou, Director

Mirhax is a Lithuanian crypto exchange and payment services provider registered with the Lithuanian FTNN (Financial Crime Investigation Services).


At Mirhax users can buy BTC via Bank,Credit/Debit Card, Local Payments.


not given


We have noticed that there are identical patterns in the texts of the Mirhax and Conivix websites and in their source code. For example, the source code of Conivix contains a Mirhax email address. In this respect, the two crypto payment processors are obviously connected somehow. Maybe only via the same website programmer.

Compliance problems

The potential BBanc victims were offered on the scam’s payment page to buy cryptos via credit or debit card using Mirhax. These are then transferred to the BBanc scammers’ wallets. The BBanc victims are directed to the Mirhax payment page via a referral link


We have found Mirhax as a facilitating payment processor in the BBanc broker scam and thus included it in our “Red Compliance” list.

3 reviews

  1. Apex 500 - scam

    Mirax Group UAB facilitated the scamming of large sums of money from my account to an online trading company called Apex 500, this company Apex 500 is a complete fraud.
    I have tried to get my funds withdrawn but have had no success.

    Mirax should be held responsible as they have not checked out or did due diligence on Apex 500.


  2. Scammers

    They are scammers that hide under the Bbanc franchise. Once they have your money they disappear off the face of the earth along with your money.
    Avoid them completlety

  3. beware

    Ever encounter any crypto investment scam,don’t panic,explain your experience to Dr Suzanne(Saren55 on telegram) a licensed fraud analysts . She’d assist you with recent investment scams recovery possibility. Note that you’d ask before you know if your lost funds can be recovered.

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